
Delivery of 30 books from the 3 Kaylearn collections in the chosen language. Submissions will be made by the end of the year, and the campaign contributor will be able to choose one of the following languages ​​for the translated and adapted books (Portuguese, English, Spanish, Italian, French)

Dan il-bejjiegħ bħalissa m'għandux offerti.

Bħalissa m'hemm l-ebda offerta oħra fuq din il-ġbir ta' fondi.

Delivery of 30 books from the 3 Kaylearn collections (chosen language)

315 €



Delivery of 30 books from the 3 Kaylearn collections in the chosen language. Submissions will be made by the end of the year, and the campaign contributor will be able to choose one of the following languages ​​for the translated and adapted books (Portuguese, English, Spanish, Italian, French)

Informazzjoni addizzjonali


, biex tiċċekkja n-numru tat-telefon.


Tbaħħir tradizzjonali bi spejjeż tal-bejjiegħ

Dan il-bejjiegħ bħalissa m'għandux offerti.

Bħalissa m'hemm l-ebda offerta oħra fuq din il-ġbir ta' fondi.