Animal treatment
Animal treatment
Għal xiex se tiġbor fondi llum?
Hi , everyone. I’m a young girl from Croatia working two jobs to support myself. I work a 9/5 as a cosmetologist and after I clean one hall for extra money. I have been training and into horse riding since I was a kid and it was my dream from the start to persue that career but it is a very expensive sport so my parents couldn’t afford it. Recently I got a job offer to work with horses and train it for a living but in order for my horse to come with me he needs to get examinations and vet checks that unfortunately I can’t afford. That is why I need your help, if you are struggling too I completely understand, please share.
Għad m'hemm l-ebda deskrizzjoni.
Oħloq link ta' traċċar biex tara x'impatt għandu s-sehem tiegħek fuq din il-ġbir ta' fondi.
Oħloq link ta' traċċar biex tara x'impatt għandu s-sehem tiegħek fuq din il-ġbir ta' fondi.