Moneybox maħluqa għall-ġbir ta' fondi Dream home

My moneybox

My moneybox

Din il-kaxxa tal-flus terġa' timla l-bilanċ tal-ġbir ta' fondi:

Dream home
0 EUR Fondi miġbura permezz ta' moneybox
0 donaturi
Donazzjonijiet inattivi - l-operazzjoni meħtieġa ta 'l-Organizzatur tal-ġbir ta' fondi. Jekk inti Organizzatur - idħol u ħu l-azzjoni meħtieġa.

Oħloq il-kaxxa tal-flus tiegħek u iġbor fondi għal

Dream home
Oħloq kaxxa tal-flus

Deskrizzjoni tal-kaxxa tal-flus

Please make a donation to my moneybox. I am poor my grandmom left our family home when she died to me. And i am freshly out of art school. Just started my adult life. Have no money. If i don't start renovating the house it will rot away. It is very sentimental. A lot of childhood memories for me and my mom.The roof and house foundation is broken. I need to fix them this year otherwise, i think the house will need demolishing.Your support matters a lot! I can do some designs in the exchange for money. I can do everything in adobe cloud. But my favorite is making books, magazines and flyers. Also know how to edit videos and photos.

Għad m'hemm l-ebda deskrizzjoni.

Għad m'hemm l-ebda deskrizzjoni.


għad m'hemmx donazzjonijiet, kun l-ewwel li tagħti donazzjoni!

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