id: aedw3e

Scout Group

Scout Group

Donazzjonijiet inattivi - l-operazzjoni meħtieġa ta 'l-Organizzatur tal-ġbir ta' fondi. Jekk inti Organizzatur - idħol u ħu l-azzjoni meħtieġa.

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The Scout of Grand-Gaube

Pathfinder Rover Explorer Scout Association (PRESA) members

What is Scouting?

It is a voluntary, non-political educational movement for young people, open to all without distinction of origin or belief. Its objective is to contribute to the development of young people by helping them fully to realize their physical, intellectual, social and spiritual possibilities as individuals, citizens and members of local, national and international communities.

The Scouting method is a system of progressive self-education, based on life in small groups and in nature, education through action, personal progression, adult support and commitment to our values and in the community. It is implemented through attractive and progressive programs.

Discipline is one of the most important personality traits in everyone’s life. It refers to a set of rules and regulations that must be followed in any task or activity. It is a way to be honest, hardworking, motivated and encouraged in the accomplishment of any task

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Għad m'hemm l-ebda deskrizzjoni.



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Għad m'hemmx donazzjonijiet, kun l-ewwel li tagħti donazzjoni!

Donazzjonijiet inattivi - l-operat tal-Organizzatur tal-ġbir tal-fondi meħtieġa. Jekk inti Organizzatur - idħol u ħu l-azzjoni meħtieġa.


2500 karattri
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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