id: 6x8rex

Moving away from violent fathef

Moving away from violent fathef

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*Ammont espress f’euro bbażat fuq ir-rata medja peżata ta’ donazzjonijiet magħmula fil-muniti kollha. Għal aktar dettalji żur ukoll


I'm a high school student with OCD, depression and social phobia. Noone wants to employ me ANYWHERE because of it. I've been abused since I was just a child when my parents began cheating on each other an fighting, often resulting in calling the police. When I started puberty, my father made me as his "punching bag", both metaphorically and literally. He called the police on me twice in 3 hours becouse of him fighting with me and me pushing him away and breaking a mirror with him. I began working out at 11 so I could at least protect myself from an overweight man. I studied med school for 2 years but I got severe anemia the first year in second semester and the second year got way too depressed and tried to commit suicide, resulting in me being 18 between 15-16 year olds. I switched schools because the "popular kids" canceled me. I turned 18 and want to get away from a toxic home and be happy for once in my life and get to med school again.

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