id: 68769j

Testing in a Germen lab our Hydrogen equipment which saves fuel up to 30% and reduce emissions by 80% on any kind of diesel engine

Testing in a Germen lab our Hydrogen equipment which saves fuel up to 30% and reduce emissions by 80% on any kind of diesel engine

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*Ammont espress f’euro bbażat fuq ir-rata medja peżata ta’ donazzjonijiet magħmula fil-muniti kollha. Għal aktar dettalji żur ukoll


We manufacture Hydrogen devices, and we need to prove that we can use Hydrogen gas as additional fuel in Internal combustion engines to save fuel and reduce pollution. We need to test effectiveness, torque, wearing, engine lifespan, oil quality, and emission reduction of CO, CO2, Nox, and Sox. If the lab confirms the results, this will help us to expand into the next project with household heating systems. The systems will use minimal power to produce hydrogen to reduce household heating bills. Practically to exchange natural gas with hydrogen. The devices could combine with solar systems to free the heating. Of course, after the tests in the lab, that will be confirmed. The examination cost 60K Euro in the lab, so we need your support on that journey to save fuel and reduce the pollution on our planet!

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Offerti/irkanti 1

Ixtri, Appoġġ.

Ixtri, Appoġġ. Aqra aktar

Maħluq mill-Organizzatur:
We can provide 20% discount on all our equipment for supporters!
We can provide a 20% discount on all our equipment for any kind of vehicle for supporters! 
380 €


2500 karattri
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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