
I will send you one of my Acrylic Painting for the donation over 300

Annessi 5

Ixtri l-offerta biex ikollok aċċess għall-anness jew jekk diġà xtrajtu.

Snapseed 2.jpg

Fajl .jpg, 3.58 MB

Snapseed 4.jpg

Fajl .jpg, 2.99 MB

Snapseed 5.jpg

Fajl .jpg, 3.35 MB

Snapseed 3.jpg

Fajl .jpg, 1.88 MB


Fajl .jpg, 3.2 MB
Art & Craft • Other
Digital Illustration (ready to print as a Poster)
I will send you by email an Illustration on your choice, you can print it as a Poster or put it in frame. Leave me your email, please :)
15 €
Beauty • Other
Tattoo for donation over 50€
I will make you a tattoo for the donation over 50 euros (the size and technique depends on the donated amount)
50 €

Bħalissa m'hemm l-ebda offerta oħra fuq din il-ġbir ta' fondi.

My Painting from the collection "Invisible" for donation over 300€

300 €



I will send you one of my Acrylic Painting for the donation over 300

Annessi 5

Ixtri l-offerta biex ikollok aċċess għall-anness jew jekk diġà xtrajtu.

Snapseed 2.jpg

Fajl .jpg, 3.58 MB

Snapseed 4.jpg

Fajl .jpg, 2.99 MB

Snapseed 5.jpg

Fajl .jpg, 3.35 MB

Snapseed 3.jpg

Fajl .jpg, 1.88 MB


Fajl .jpg, 3.2 MB

Informazzjoni addizzjonali


, biex tiċċekkja n-numru tat-telefon.


Niżżel disponibbli wara x-xiri.

Tbaħħir tradizzjonali bi spejjeż tal-bejjiegħ

Pickup personalment

Art & Craft • Other
Digital Illustration (ready to print as a Poster)
I will send you by email an Illustration on your choice, you can print it as a Poster or put it in frame. Leave me your email, please :)
15 €
Beauty • Other
Tattoo for donation over 50€
I will make you a tattoo for the donation over 50 euros (the size and technique depends on the donated amount)
50 €

Bħalissa m'hemm l-ebda offerta oħra fuq din il-ġbir ta' fondi.