id: 24hwxe

Diana's prosthesis and rehabilitation

Diana's prosthesis and rehabilitation

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A moment of inattention

ojeV19blU6GbZ2nY.pngMy name is Diana. I have always led an active lifestyle. My great passion is drawing and everything related to it, as well as the gym, which I visit regularly. I'm only twenty-five years old, I'm slowly entering adult life. I work professionally as a waitress. Generally, I like to be on the move, it gives me energy for life.


It's hard for me to write these words and return to tragic memories. On November 30, 2023, I had a car accident that completely changed my life. The incident happened suddenly, I was driving on a fast road when I lost control of the vehicle. Despite the doctors' efforts, my leg was in such a condition that it had to be amputated.


Unfortunately, there were complications, the wound became infected and it was necessary to perform reamputation above the knee. I have no choice, I rely on the help of third parties.

Without long rehabilitation and a properly selected prosthesis, returning to normal life will be impossible. For this reason, I am asking you for help, which will greatly help me enjoy life again.


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