id: x4czcm

Sanjas Vet bills

Sanjas Vet bills


  • Our next trip will be 500+ euros. In the clinic Sanja needs to get an ultrasound, sedation and blood tests, consultation and maybe even more medication for the rest of her life. They will hold her in the clinic for 24h on the iv fluids after the procedure if everything ends up okay. We will need to rent out something or go to a hotel, which is again...more money spent and were not sure how much, we have 2 weeks to think. I have set the goal according to our minimal calculations but when we get there complications might occur and the bill will be more expensive. I will keep updating on tiktok,instagram and here as well :) Hope everyone is having a great day/night. Thank you for all the support and time! Sanja is sending kisses <3

    2500 rakstzīmes

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As you might have seen, Sanja needs a lot of exams done including blood tests and a CT scan which cost as much as someone's rent or even more. I am available for digital art commissions, DM me on Instagram ill be there to give you more info if needed :)

If you don't want a commission and just want to donate, everything is appreciated so much! <3

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2500 rakstzīmes
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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