Little Hope🙏
Little Hope🙏
Atbalstiet savu aizraušanos. Regulāri.
We made it easy for you who like to use or work with crypto. Therefore donations are now available also in crypto.
Wallet address: 0x3DF0b6894d8A0d561Bec6083E6A31ab6660CBfa5
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Tas palielinās jūsu līdzekļu vācēja uzticamību un ziedotāju iesaisti.
Join us in our mission to uplift the most vulnerable families in Guatemala. With your support, my wife and I are dedicated to providing essential resources and opportunities to those living in poverty. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of Guatemalan families, offering them hope, dignity, and a brighter future. Every donation helps us provide food, education, healthcare, and other vital necessities to those in need. Together, let's build a better tomorrow for Guatemala's poorest communities.
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Izveidojiet izsekošanas saiti, lai redzētu, kāda ir jūsu akcijas ietekme uz šo līdzekļu vācēju.