id: r7t6ew

My little farm

My little farm

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*Summa izteikta euro, pamatojoties uz vidējo svērto ziedojumu kursu visās valūtās. Sīkāka informācija pieejama arī vietnē


Hello. My name is Barbara and I live since 2016 on the beautiful canary island Fuerteventura. I have a son and 2 small dogs. We moved from germany to Fuerteventura to have better life quality. I work hard every day but it is not possible to safe money to build my farm. My dream. A small farm on a plot, with my own fruits and vegetables, animals and a small wood house. I want to live on my farm with chickens, turtles, cats, dogs and a donkey or two. That will be my happy life.

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vēl nav ziedojumu, esi pirmais, kas ziedo!

Vēl nav ziedojumu, esi pirmais, kas ziedo!



2500 rakstzīmes
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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