id: phhnvr

help me save my farm

help me save my farm

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hello kind people. My name is Dan and in 2017 i decided to become a farmer. I love trees so i planted more than 4000 pruns . But with all my hard work i didn t manage to produce money . My trees starded making fruits in 2020, but in 2021 i suffered a flood that took all my machinerys, and i had to buy others and spend all my money from previous year .Then in 2022 in my region was a late cold storm and the trees didn t produce any fruits and last year , in 2023 , i had fruits but i sold them but didn t get paid. i m suing the buyer from last year but it s a long process here in romania to get my money. Now i don t have money to take care of my trees this year😞.Thank you very much and God blees you re heart!

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