If everyone who sees this post would send $1.30, I could celebrate Christmas and enjoy Christmas dishes. I put my IBAN here in the comments... :( Thank you ! have a wonderful Christmas
If everyone who sees this post would send $1.30, I could celebrate Christmas and enjoy Christmas dishes. I put my IBAN here in the comments... :( Thank you ! have a wonderful Christmas
Kam jūs šodien vāksiet līdzekļus?
If everyone who sees this post would send $1.30, I could celebrate Christmas and enjoy Christmas dishes. I put my IBAN here in the comments... :( Thank you ! have a wonderful Christmas, I really not asking much just 1$ will help out 🥹
Apraksta vēl nav.
Izveidojiet izsekošanas saiti, lai redzētu, kāda ir jūsu akcijas ietekme uz šo līdzekļu vācēju.
Izveidojiet izsekošanas saiti, lai redzētu, kāda ir jūsu akcijas ietekme uz šo līdzekļu vācēju.