id: nzgnn3

House repair

House repair

Kam jūs šodien vāksiet līdzekļus?
*Summa izteikta euro, pamatojoties uz vidējo svērto ziedojumu kursu visās valūtās. Sīkāka informācija pieejama arī vietnē


A low class family leaving in the outskirts of Cyprus capital City, Nicosia, is desperately making the ends meet. For a 7 member family you can imagine the epxenses and responsibilities. They are asking for our help to maintain their family house as theirs bills and debts are keeping them more than busy to do so themselves. The house even though spacious, could really need a fixing hand not just touch. A lot os spots around the house both inside and outside have been affected by humidity in a really bad level. The worst thing is that the youngest living in the house are just 2-6 years old. The bad condition of the house is affecting everyone but mostly the children as the youngest one has breathing problems from time to time. The family is in dire need of help and would appreciate any volume of it. A note from them is that whoever helps or not is always welcome for some dinner!!

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Apraksta vēl nav.

Atrašanās vieta


Pirkt, atbalstīt, pārdot, pievienot.

Pirkt, atbalstīt, pārdot, pievienot. Lasīt vairāk

Palīdziet organizatoram vēl vairāk!

Pievienojiet savu piedāvājumu/izsoli - jūs pārdodat, un līdzekļi nonāk tieši līdzekļu vācējam. Lasīt vairāk.

Šim līdzekļu vākšanas pasākumam nav piedāvājumu!

Ziedojumi 1

5 €


2500 rakstzīmes
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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