id: 74mtgn

Treatment of tick-borne infections lyme

Treatment of tick-borne infections lyme

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*Summa izteikta euro, pamatojoties uz vidējo svērto ziedojumu kursu visās valūtās. Sīkāka informācija pieejama arī vietnē


Hi, my name is Alicja and I am 22 years old. For 2 years I have been looking for the cause of my health condition, which is why I am unable to work, I have no strength even for the smallest activities. It's hard for me to come to terms with the current situation that it happened because, 3 years ago I could train football and now what most people have at their fingertips, i.e. going to work, pursuing their passions, etc., for me it is difficult to achieve My dream is to finally go to work. I gathered for a long time and wondered whether to set up a fundraiser because I never asked anyone for help, I was ashamed and I am still a bit ashamed to ask someone for money, but in the end I gathered to set up a fundraiser to cover the costs of treatment and do research.

 It all started innocently with flu-like symptoms 5 years back.

 In 2017 I started to train football and I got tired too quickly during training. I often had a cough and hoarseness after running a few meters. I continued to train, but still some flu-like symptoms appeared, problems with the spine, malaise, etc. Then I did not expect what would happen after 3 years of training.

 After a short warm-up I had enough, I didn't feel well but I killed it all, that it must be like this apparently and it's probably overtraining and I had to take a break from training.

 April 2020 has come and I never thought that so many symptoms would appear and life would turn 360 degrees.

 At first, I didn't know what was wrong with me and what was happening to me, during these few days and the symptoms continued to occur, until now I counted a total of 40 symptoms, i.e. Strange pains in muscles / joints,

 headache, dizziness, abdominal pain,

 wandering joint pain, shortness of breath, rapid fatigue, palpitations, blue-red and cold limbs, muscle and bone tenderness, worsening vision, neck stiffness, muscle spasms, squeaking/humming in the ears, excessive sweating, slightly elevated body temperature for 5 years, excessive hair loss, the slightest activity causes exhaustion of the body and fatigue, etc

 I felt so bad that I spent practically a year in bed, 2 times in a row for a week I was not able to eat anything, I lost a lot of weight then.

 The doctors dismissed me at every turn, they told me that I had neuroses.

 At the moment I have confirmed EBV (Epstein-Barr virus) and degeneration of the spine (multilevel discopathy). I would like to extend this diagnosis due to similar or the same symptoms that may suggest tick-borne diseases or, for example, tetany. It is a multi-infection that burdens the entire body. Sick people are usually perceived as healthy people, which is why this is the main medical problem in diagnosing such patients, especially since the basic blood count shows that the person is healthy.

 Doctors know nothing about it and the treatment is quite complicated and expensive.

 I can't afford various tests or treatments and I would like to reach full health as soon as possible. Initial examination and treatment costs:

 -Treatment with herbs, supplements per month about 180 euros

 - Examinations diagnosing the state of health

 I will be very, very grateful if anyone pays any amount, because as I wrote above, I do not work, and I would like to work, but my health does not allow it, it is hard for me to take any job due to the accompanying symptoms and constant fatigue with the smallest activity. Thank you very much in advance ❤️🤗🥰

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