id: 68d5x8



Kam jūs šodien vāksiet līdzekļus?
*Summa izteikta euro, pamatojoties uz vidējo svērto ziedojumu kursu visās valūtās. Sīkāka informācija pieejama arī vietnē


Recently I just moved out to my own flat in my home town and I'm trying to set my life up I'm very actively looking for a job it's just that the situation in our country And my home town makes it quite difficult to get a job fast because everyone is struggling and many companies and employers tell you to wait that they'll consider it and call you back sometimes you don't even get a callback and there's not that many businesses a lot of people looking for work and I feel like the standards for employment are very high for someone my age and experience I try my hardest truly but the bills always do catch up and I barely have anything left to live let alone pay them off my parents helped me a lot and they can't afford to help me as much anymore that is why I'm here and I hope that enough people will be able to understand my situation and help me for this month until I do get that job and am able to fully support myself and lose this anxiety thank you very much in advance for anything

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