JÅ«s skatÄties mÅ«su vietnes maŔīntulkoto versiju. LÅ«dzu, Åemiet vÄrÄ, ka mÄs to darÄm tikai jÅ«su ÄrtÄ«bai un ka mÅ«su tÄ«mekļa vietnes un visas mÅ«su saziÅas oriÄ£inÄlvaloda ir tikai angļu valoda. Lai gan mÄs... lasÄ«t vairÄk pieliekam visas pÅ«les, lai tulkojums bÅ«tu kvalitatÄ«vs, tomÄr negarantÄjam, ka tas bÅ«s nepÄrprotams vai bez kļūdÄm. Ja kÄds Ŕīs vietnes saturs jums Ŕķiet nesaprotams, lÅ«dzu, nomainiet vietnes valodu uz angļu valodu. Ja turpinÄsiet izmantot Å”o tulkoto versiju, visi no mums saÅemtie ziÅojumi arÄ« tiks maŔīntulkoti jÅ«su valodÄ, pamatojoties uz to paÅ”u principu.
Please make a donation to my moneybox We can do more working together! My best friend's family have lost everything š š
The worst happened on 16/09/2024. My town in Poland was completely flooded,150cm everything came quickly and unexpectedly. My parents live on the ground floor and the water unfortunately took everything away from them, they were left without a home. Without the simplest things. My dad is seriously ill and can't work and needs help, so the situation is even more difficult. Winter is coming and the flat has to be completely renovated. Unfortunately, my parents can't do it on their own without support. I'm asking for your help so that they can have their home again. Every Ā£ counts