id: yrw9w4

ronnovation project water, electricity and and floors

ronnovation project water, electricity and and floors

Óvirk framlög - nauðsynlegur rekstur Skipuleggjandi fjáröflunar. Ef þú ert skipuleggjandi - skráðu þig inn og gríptu til nauðsynlegra aðgerða.

Notendur okkar stofnuðu 1 M fjáröflun
og söfnuðu € 341 M*

Hvað ætlarðu að safna fyrir í dag?
Búðu til fjáröflun
*Upphæð gefin upp í evrum miðað við vegið meðaltal gjafa í öllum gjaldmiðlum. Fyrir frekari upplýsingar heimsækja



My name is Clare I am turning 60 on the dullest of dates 2nd January.  I am reaching out for help with finishing my little house so that I can move in this year.

Yes, that’s my caravan and I am living in it! My temporary home that I share with my best pal Toruń - she’s a two year old mixed breed rescue dog and has kept me sane during the two long winters I’ve been holding up here.  It is a rough and tough time with no water or bathroom and It wasn’t supposed to happen this way! I mean I had a plan for renovating the house but for reasons that anyone could relate to the funds are not there and I need a home again.  

As you can see, I’ve come a long way, learning a lot about how to do by doing it all myself, but there’s a way to go and I need help.  Not easy for me to say or ask for this especially with what is going on in the world but I want to make a quiet contribution to counter the chaos around us in the only way that I can. My place when habitable is going to be a hub of creativity, gatherings serving a growing community of hand workers, makers, menders, growers and kinship.

A place where there is space to share.

Join me on this venture and you will always be welcome here!

Það er engin lýsing ennþá.

Það er engin lýsing ennþá.

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Sæktu farsímaforritið og safnaðu fyrir markmið þitt hvar sem þú ert!

Tilboð/uppboð 2

Kaupa, styðja.

Kaupa, styðja. Lestu meira

Búið til af skipuleggjanda:
Art & Craft • Hand made
Hand spun and hand woven pure wool rug 160 cm x 220.
these are hand spun and woven rugs made to my design by a collective of weavers in the Carpathian mountains in Ukraine. Purchasing one of these rugs ...

390 €

Unique meetings
5 days holiday as guests in my home to be with breakfast and supper
a holiday for two at gamle Braske Gård Österlen Skåne where the sea is never far away. I offer accommodation with breakfast and supper for two. Conv...

1000 €



2500 stafi
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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