Help needed for the make a house for me and my family.
Help needed for the make a house for me and my family.
Hvað ætlarðu að safna fyrir í dag?
hello, my name is Todor and I am 24 years old. I grew up in a poor family, my dream is to have my own home but I don't have the financial opportunity neither do my parents, my mother is a seamstress and I earn a little money and my father is diabetic and doesn't have much opportunity to work, I also have a 14-year-old sister who I want to I am taking her to live with me to develop and help our family.

Það er engin lýsing ennþá.
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Búðu til rakningartengil til að sjá hvaða áhrif hlutur þinn hefur á þessa fjáröflun. Find out more.