id: whfjrr

Urgent financial aid for Yousra Saleh who is in need to evacuate from Gaza strip as soon as possible.

Urgent financial aid for Yousra Saleh who is in need to evacuate from Gaza strip as soon as possible.

Hvað ætlarðu að safna fyrir í dag?
*Upphæð gefin upp í evrum miðað við vegið meðaltal gjafa í öllum gjaldmiðlum. Fyrir frekari upplýsingar heimsækja


Hello good-hearted people from around the world.

I have created this fundraising for an urgent finacial support for a 67 yeard old woman who is stuck in the Gaza Strip and needs to evacuate to recieve medical care as soon as possible.

Why to create a fundrising for such case?

The reason in short is that no one is allowed to get out of the Gaza Strip for the moment without paying a huge sum of money that can reach to 10,000+ USD under the name of (Security Coordination) by those who work on Rafah border from all sides, this amount gets paid to a person who works at the border in order to secure the traveler name to be added to the list of travelars who are allowed to evacute from the Gaza Strip (of course this have never happened in history), back in time before tha war they would ask for 1000-3000 USD, but now because there are many people who would like to leave to save their life, those who worl at the border are taking advantage of people's suffering.

To all white hands around the world, please help me secure the full amount of this fundraising to be able to pay for her evacuation as soon as possible, all words won't describe how thankful and greatful Yousra is for your help and support, wishing you all a return of everything good to you in your life journey.

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