
Traditional Nigerien piece of jewellery made by the Nomads of Sahara and a hard copy of „Humans of Boom”, The images shown are for illustration purposes and may not be an exact representation of the product.

Donation & Thanks
Personalized thank you note on our facebook profile
We value every penny and want to express our gratitude
20 €

Selt: 4

enda in 6 days!
Art & Craft • Hand made
Traditional Nigerien jewellery and a copy of the Humans of Boom (pdf)
Traditional Nigerien piece of jewellery made by the Nomads of Sahara and a pdf copy of „Humans of Boom” The images shown are for illustration purposes...
50 €

Selt: 5

enda in 6 days!

Það eru engin önnur tilboð í þessari fjáröflun eins og er.

Hand made Nigerien jewellery & "Humans of Boom" (hard copy)

100 €

Selt: 3

enda in 6 days!


Traditional Nigerien piece of jewellery made by the Nomads of Sahara and a hard copy of „Humans of Boom”, The images shown are for illustration purposes and may not be an exact representation of the product.


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Donation & Thanks
Personalized thank you note on our facebook profile
We value every penny and want to express our gratitude
20 €

Selt: 4

enda in 6 days!
Art & Craft • Hand made
Traditional Nigerien jewellery and a copy of the Humans of Boom (pdf)
Traditional Nigerien piece of jewellery made by the Nomads of Sahara and a pdf copy of „Humans of Boom” The images shown are for illustration purposes...
50 €

Selt: 5

enda in 6 days!

Það eru engin önnur tilboð í þessari fjáröflun eins og er.