id: vgfdj8

For building a community library

For building a community library

Óvirk framlög - nauðsynlegur rekstur Skipuleggjandi fjáröflunar. Ef þú ert skipuleggjandi - skráðu þig inn og gríptu til nauðsynlegra aðgerða.

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Mfangano is a beatifull island stuated in the part of lake victoria next to the border of Uganda and Tanzania, with a people population of 37000. It has several smaller sister islands habited and inhabited namely Remba, Ringiti, Risii, Atego, Rusinga, Mbassa, Namuolo, Takawiri and Kibuogi which decently attract tourist and many travellers.

As a resident and concern member of the mfangano community there are several important requirements that are missing for the betterment and progress of our community.


Educationally we are lucking a community library where school going students could get some reference materials to boost there educational content and expand there knowledge socially and economicaly. If we could get both material such as books and financial support our community would fordge ahead. Already there is a half an ha. worth 1.5 million ksh land donated for the construction of community library.


Wakinga community are seriusly in need of a communal library to be built within the wakinga sub location in mfangano east location suba central sub county.

It is a vast area with the bigest population of 14000 people out of the 37000 general population of mfangano. The bigest number being the youth who needs reference materials for their learning and social being. The middle age are the next population that needs brain refreshment materials.


Provide convenient access to library resources and services that reflect the needs of our communities

by encourage staff to provide input for collection development

help to further improve internet connectivity throughout the community,including building hotspot for the youths internet.

create a technology plan that addresses specific needs (staff trainings,patron expectatins,develop more training for the public the public in current and future technologies).

develop procedures to more effectively use social mediaas a promotinal tool and to expand partnership with schools,community organizations and cultural entities.

to maximize staff potential in order to provide optimal services to the public

to creat welcoming and functional environments


it will foster literacy of all kinds both mental,spiritual and physical

it will creat healthy communities by bringing members together to help each other and advance sharing

it will support culture and creactivity it will be a place to share ideas including besketry practice

it will provide public space and indivividual interactions

the library will benefit children,youhts or middle aged and the adults since all this people needs some refrence materials .

we already have a collection of some books from the communities members who has realy strugle to offer there best for the community library to be a sucssefull project.

we have worked on tirelessly and contributed a land that worth 1.5 milion ksh for the construction of the library thats a half an hactres

what we are lucking is the funds to put up the building to protect the attendants from bad weather seasons .if we can get fund for the construction we would appreciate

we are requesting well wishers,donors and volunters to surpport us matirially financially

we will do what it takes to make our community propers on the project as we are ready to provide physicall labour for the construction

Það er engin lýsing ennþá.

Það er engin lýsing ennþá.


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Engin framlög ennþá, vertu fyrstur til að gefa!

Óvirk framlög - rekstur Skipulagsaðila fjáröflunar krafist. Ef þú ert skipuleggjandi - skráðu þig inn og gríptu til nauðsynlegra aðgerða.


2500 stafi
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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