id: vah7up

PLANR-the next great app dedicated to event planning

PLANR-the next great app dedicated to event planning

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Introducing PLANr, the ultimate event planning and management solution for the modern world. With PLANr, you can seamlessly configure both physical and online events, making it the perfect tool for event planners, businesses, and individuals alike. PLANr is more than just an event planning app; it's a marketplace that connects you with a wide range of event-related services. Whether you're looking for photographers, videographers, DJs, or event organizers, PLANr has you covered. You can also find vendors who sell products and services specifically tailored to online or physical events, such as decorations, catering, and equipment rental. With PLANr, you can: * Easily create and manage events of all sizes, both physical and online * Find and book vendors for all your event needs * Promote your events to a wider audience * Sell tickets and manage registrations * Track your event's performance and ROI PLANr is the perfect solution for anyone who wants to plan and manage events more efficiently and effectively. Whether you're a professional event planner or simply someone who wants to throw a great party, PLANr has everything you need to make your event a success. So what are you waiting for? Download PLANr today and start planning your next event!

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Það er engin lýsing ennþá.


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Engin framlög ennþá, vertu fyrstur til að gefa!



2500 stafi
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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