id: s35p4y

processing of wood and epoxy resins

processing of wood and epoxy resins

Styðjið ástríðu þína. Reglulega.


hello, I want to propose a business, namely the processing of wood combined with epoxy resin, I will attach some photographs to see what it is about, the pictures are taken at my old workplace where I was fired for health reasons, because I no longer faced the employer's requirements... That's how I came here to ask for your help... This amount of money I would need will be for the purchase of some of the tools necessary for processing, grinding, shaping, as well as of building a workshop... I also want to tell you that those who will contribute a consistent amount to the fulfillment of the dream depending on the consistency will receive a table like the ones in the images with the color and shape you want,, thank you very much that you were patient and read my message, thank you,, God bless you..

Það er engin lýsing ennþá.

Það er engin lýsing ennþá.

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Skipuleggjandinn fær 100% af fjármunum þínum - við rukkum ekkert gjald
Þú hefur fulla stjórn - þú getur hætt stuðningnum hvenær sem er án nokkurra skuldbindinga
Skipuleggjandi getur einbeitt sér að starfi sínu að fullu
Þú færð varanlegan aðgang að færslum og sérstakan aðgreiningu
Þú þarft ekki að muna um næstu greiðslur
Það er auðveldara en þú heldur :)



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