Hvað ætlarðu að safna fyrir í dag?
Hello to everyone,everywhere!!!
I am the owner of a traditional Greek tavern in Athens,Greece..
We are opened almost 30 years..I'm the nephew of the ex owner..I'm 38 years old,father of a 1.5yrs old son..
I'm trying to keep my business open,but here I greece we have a huge economical problem,especially the small businesses like mine..
That I would like from all of you,is to help me for the rebuilding of my tavern..the easy way is to sell it,but because of the love I have for my tavern,I think that rebuilding it,will be a very good start again for me
Það er engin lýsing ennþá.
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Búðu til rakningartengil til að sjá hvaða áhrif hlutur þinn hefur á þessa fjáröflun.