Sustainable Farm Discovery Tour

Sustainable Farm Discovery Tour


Personalized guided tour of the farm: Donors will have the exclusive opportunity to participate in a personalized guided tour of the farm, where they can meet the team, explore the snail breeding, and discover firsthand our commitment to sustainability and quality

Founder's Lane Recognition
Inclusion of your name at the beginning of the snail row: Every donor will have the honor of having their name or chosen name at the beginning of the ...
5 €
Donation & Thanks
Gratitude Letter of Honor
Every donor will receive a special thank-you letter, personalized with their name and sent directly from our team
3 €

Það eru engin önnur tilboð í þessari fjáröflun eins og er.

Sustainable Farm Discovery Tour

Sustainable Farm Discovery Tour

Sustainable Farm Discovery Tour

25 €



Personalized guided tour of the farm: Donors will have the exclusive opportunity to participate in a personalized guided tour of the farm, where they can meet the team, explore the snail breeding, and discover firsthand our commitment to sustainability and quality


Hafðu samband

, til að athuga símanúmer.


Afhending í eigin persónu

Villanova d'Asti
Sjá á korti

Founder's Lane Recognition
Inclusion of your name at the beginning of the snail row: Every donor will have the honor of having their name or chosen name at the beginning of the ...
5 €
Donation & Thanks
Gratitude Letter of Honor
Every donor will receive a special thank-you letter, personalized with their name and sent directly from our team
3 €

Það eru engin önnur tilboð í þessari fjáröflun eins og er.