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Help Us Build a Safe Haven for Wild Animals!

Help Us Build a Safe Haven for Wild Animals!

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Help Us Build a Safe Haven for Wild Animals!

Dear Donors,

The animals@shop family has initiated a project aimed at protecting and caring for wild animals in Poland, and we need your help to make it a reality!

Our Goal: We plan to build a wild animal rehabilitation center that will serve as a sanctuary for injured and orphaned animals, providing them with care and preparation for their return to the wild. To achieve this, we need PLN 2.5 million (approximately €540,000).

Why Your Support is Important:

  • Nature Conservation: Our rehabilitation center will be a safe haven for wild animals in need.
  • Care and Rehabilitation: We will offer specialized treatment and care to prepare animals for release back into the wild.
  • Education and Awareness: Our project also aims to educate the local community about the protection and importance of wild animals.

How You Can Help:

  • Donations: Every donation, regardless of size, brings us closer to our goal.
  • Share: Spread our message to your friends and acquaintances.

The State of Wild Animals in Poland: Poland is home to diverse wildlife, from majestic bisons to numerous migratory birds, including deer, roe deer, wolves, lynxes, white storks, white-tailed eagles, and owls. Despite this natural richness, there are only about 25 Wild Animal Rehabilitation Centers in Poland, which are insufficient to meet the growing needs.

New Centers Are Needed: To effectively protect our nature, we need more such centers. Each new center offers a chance to save more animals, educate the public, and strengthen environmental protection activities. That’s why our project is so crucial.

We are determined to make this project a success, but we need your support to do so. Help us create a safe future for wild animals in Poland.

Thank you very much for your generosity and support!

Yours faithfully,

The animals@shop Family

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