id: k2455n

Funding a court in Norway for lost childhood

Funding a court in Norway for lost childhood

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I am a 43 years old man from Norway. Now I live in Gran Canaria, Spain due to several healthproblems. I only have the minimum disability pension from Norway, which is about 1100 EUR after tax.

So, my story: All 9 years of school I was bullied physically and mentaly. On top of that I was sexually abused for 5 years by a neighbour, and grew up in a home with a lot of alcohol and violence. My so called mother did not care for me at all, and the child protective service didn't do their job to get me out of that home. I have damages on my teeth and scars after self-harm. Suffers from Complex PTSD and Borderline personality disorder.

So, I've got a lawyer who take my case for almost nothing, but I have to get from Gran Canaria to Tromsø, Norway in June to attend the court.

Right now, I'm begging all you good people in the world to help me with this, so I can have justice, and some kind of compensation for my lost childhood and mental problems.

Það er engin lýsing ennþá.

Það er engin lýsing ennþá.


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