id: jmu8ww

On a way to Italy hospital for control urgently ❤️❤️

On a way to Italy hospital for control urgently ❤️❤️

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*Upphæð gefin upp í evrum miðað við vegið meðaltal gjafa í öllum gjaldmiðlum. Fyrir frekari upplýsingar heimsækja


Good day,

I need this money for a trip to Italy and staying for control in Italy hospital ( horrible time because I'm in pregnancy - stressful situation).

This money can help me knowing more about mine's future brain operation in pregnancy time need to be before I born baby.

I hope do You can helping me to stay healthy because insurance don't want to pay of Czech Republic anything = O money.

Hospital's in Czech Republic are not professional and definitely not high to do brain operation.

Chirurg's are not good in Czech Republic gynecolog's too nothing they know about mine's genetic mistakes what I have. 😭

Also close to border Austria hospital's and in Germany ( horrible)😭

Only who spoke with me was doctor's of Italy - and they're very professional...

So I hope do you can save mine's life and baby life ❤️

Have a good time


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