id: jhxyfg

Fast and Furious VW Jetta build

Fast and Furious VW Jetta build

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My name is Aigars, and i am from Latvia!

I do have a deep passion into cars, motorbikes and literally everything that has engine...

2 years ago i bought an old Volkswagen Vento with only one thought, i am going to build a Jetta from the movie Fast and Furious.

I am doing pretty good, and the car is being prepared to the paintwork now, a lot of parts has been changed and replaced with new ones, a lot has been done during those 2 years. Most important, i have got a body kit (Wings West) that's the authentic body kit, the same manufacturers products were used in the movie. This fact will make the car look more authentic.

Project have had it ups and downs. After the major body work costs that strike the total budget of the build i am now thrown back for at least a year or even more.

Besides work in the garage late in the evening i am also a musician (yes i know... sounds weird) But this is who i am... when not on the stage... i am in my garage, tryin' to loosin or tigthin' one more bolt for good.

Playing music is a good way to fund the project, but it is also very slow and inpredictable, therefore i am trying out new ways, hoping on other enthuziasts of the famous movie to help me out.

Best wishes to everyone!

Það er engin lýsing ennþá.

Það er engin lýsing ennþá.


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