
Not only will we send you one of these marvelously great looking Just Keep Tukkin' stickers, but, we'll also write a unique poem about you and your awesomeness!

Sent directly to your letterbox, anywhere in the world 💌

Autographs & Uniques • Unique
Receive a postcard from us from Sri Lanka!
Donate €40 to receive a real, old-fashioned, hand-written postcard, written by us while we are on the Rickshaw Run in Sri Lanka.
40 €

Selt: 3

Art & Craft • Other
Fine Art Print of a photo taken by Luka Goy during the Rickshaw Run
What is this?Besides getting lost in the tea fields of Sri Lanka, Luka will be happily snapping away with his camera. By purchasing this offer you wil...
90 €

Selt: 1


Það eru engin önnur tilboð í þessari fjáröflun eins og er.

Just Keep Tukkin' Sticker and a unique poem about you ♥️

25 €

Selt: 5 af 20



Not only will we send you one of these marvelously great looking Just Keep Tukkin' stickers, but, we'll also write a unique poem about you and your awesomeness!

Sent directly to your letterbox, anywhere in the world 💌


Hafðu samband

, til að senda Skipuleggjanda skilaboð.


Hefðbundin sendingarkostnaður á kostnað seljanda

Autographs & Uniques • Unique
Receive a postcard from us from Sri Lanka!
Donate €40 to receive a real, old-fashioned, hand-written postcard, written by us while we are on the Rickshaw Run in Sri Lanka.
40 €

Selt: 3

Art & Craft • Other
Fine Art Print of a photo taken by Luka Goy during the Rickshaw Run
What is this?Besides getting lost in the tea fields of Sri Lanka, Luka will be happily snapping away with his camera. By purchasing this offer you wil...
90 €

Selt: 1


Það eru engin önnur tilboð í þessari fjáröflun eins og er.