id: f5ba8t

We support the purchase of expensive medicine for 5-year-old Maribell to fight the tumor of the optic nerve

We support the purchase of expensive medicine for 5-year-old Maribell to fight the tumor of the optic nerve

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*Upphæð gefin upp í evrum miðað við vegið meðaltal gjafa í öllum gjaldmiðlum. Fyrir frekari upplýsingar heimsækja


Five-year-old estonian girl Maribell has been diagnosed with an optic nerve tumor and urgently needs expensive treatment to overcome this terrible disease. The only medication that can help Maribell right now costs approximately 10,000 euros per month, and the health insurance does not cover it. We kindly ask generous people to make donations to help Maribell. Every contribution is important. 😢❤️‍🩹 Let’s come together to help Maribell receive at least 2 years of treatment.

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