id: a8u98g

Production of "The Mountain pt.1: The Valley"

Production of "The Mountain pt.1: The Valley"

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*Upphæð gefin upp í evrum miðað við vegið meðaltal gjafa í öllum gjaldmiðlum. Fyrir frekari upplýsingar heimsækja


All donations will fully go to financing the production of the album "The Mountain pt.1: The Valley". The first part of a story about travelling, getting lost and coming home.

Það er engin lýsing ennþá.

Það er engin lýsing ennþá.

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Sæktu farsímaforritið og safnaðu fyrir markmið þitt hvar sem þú ert!

Tilboð/uppboð 8

Kaupa, styðja.

Kaupa, styðja. Lestu meira

Búið til af skipuleggjanda:
Electronics & Music • Music
(Living room) concert
A solo concert with all 10 songs of the album.

150 €

Sold: 2

Electronics & Music • Music
CD + handwritten lyrics
You recieve a physical CD and a copy of the handwritten lyrics of all 10 songs

25 €

Sold: 1

Electronics & Music • Music
CD + handwritten lyrics (unique)
You recieve a physical CD and the lyrics handwritten exclusively for you.

35 €

Sold: 1

Electronics & Music • Music
CD (signed)
You recieve a physical CD signed by the artist.

20 €

Electronics & Music • Music
CD + lead sheets (PDF)
You recieve a physical CD and the lead sheets (PDF) of all 10 songs

35 €

Electronics & Music • Music
Hoodie with logo
You recieve a hoodie with logo in your preferred size.

50 €

Electronics & Music • Music
Full score (PDF)
You recieve a full orchestral score of all 10 songs. (PDF)

70 €



2500 stafi
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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