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Help needed for the Restoration of Grotowski’s Brzezinka

Help needed for the Restoration of Grotowski’s Brzezinka

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In a forest near Wroclaw there lies a very special place. It is here where the most important theatrical experiments and discoveries in the history of 20th Century theater took place. It is here where, in the 70’s, Jerzy Grotowski undertook his experiments on the subject of Paratheatre and the Theatre of Sources. It was here, in Brzezinka, where a new perspective in the search by Jerzy Grotowski and the future of performing arts was forged.

It was particularly in the 70’s up until half of the 80’s, that Brzezinka was host to the most extraordinary and prevalent work both for the history of theater and for those who were taking part. To this day, many participants of the actions, projects, work sessions that were practiced in Brzezinka, gave/give witness that these were life changing experiences, moments forever set in personal memory. 

After Jerzy Grotowski’s departure from Poland, the liquidation of the Laboratory Theatre, and then The Second Studio, Brzezinka stood shut and empty for many years. In the time of the transformation, the collapse of communism and the beginning of a new reality in Poland, Brzezinka was robbed, looted and destroyed. In the middle of the 90’s, thanks to the effort of the Grotowski Centre, especially Jaroslaw Fret, action was undertaken in order to take care of Brzezinka and it was slowly brought back into good shape with the first renovation accomplished in the beginning of the 2000’s. This was done with a great amount of work and effort and very little money. Most things were done with manual labor by individuals and volunteers, in order to secure the building and in hope that the real work will be done eventually. At that time, that which had been done was more than they had ever imagined possible. 

From that moment on Brzezinka became a living place once more. A place which birthed the most diverse and important theatrical events and projects of Poland and Europe: Theatre Zar, Song of the Goat, Farm in the Cave, and many others. It was a place of workshops, residencies, closed rehearsals, open performances from all over the world. It was host to international conferences, like that on Paratheatre, and was visited by internationally renowned artists, such as Peter Brook, Eugenio Barba, Roberto Bacci, Thomas Richards, Mario Biagini, and many others. 

Unfortunately, for the last 20 years, the Institute of Jerzy Grotowski and those who care about the upkeep of Brzezinka, were only able to carry out small and absolutely necessary renovations, at which time, the largest, most complicated and essential, were postponed due to insufficient funds. It is today, in this very moment that Brzeznika’s future fate hangs in the balance. The scale of the works that are necessary to be done is enormous. 

6lBwGZlJtiCXCjOG.jpgYet, in the scale of these enormous needs and in waiting for structural solutions, we know we cannot wait passively. The heart of Brzezinka is Matecznik. It is in this space that all of the most important works of Jerzy Grotowski took place. This is the biggest work space, the space which in fact allows for people to come to Brzezinka and do their work, the space which is responsible for Brzezinka’s existence. Today the floor in Matecznik is in such a state that work is no longer possible. If we do not take rapid action and renovate the floor Brzeznika will be forced to close again, and the lack of human presence, damp, cold and the encroaching nature surrounding, will accelerate the ruin of the entire building. Saving the floor in Brzezinka is a guarantee of the prolongation of her survival. In order to do this competently and not temporarily, we must execute this work, not in a provisional way, but professionally, with a quality that guarantees long years of work and life. It is not enough to simply replace floor boards; we must liquidate the source of damp, fit isolation, rebuild foundations, and on this prepared base, place a new wooden floor. Specialists which we consulted quoted this investment at 30,000 Euros. For us these are colossal sums, yet in the scale of the needs of Brzezinka it is not even a fraction of what is necessary. 

We are turning to you for support in order to raise money for the renovation of the floor in Brzezinka. Support in order to prolong the life of this historical place, to sustain a place of work for the next generation of artists. With such support we make a promise that this is only the beginning of a great transformation of Brzezinka into a place that will be able to serve for many years more. We are working on solutions which will allow us to receive money for renovations, make investments and change the laws of Brzezinka that were put in place many years before so that her function may be upheld for years to come. 

To all of those who remember Brzezinka from years ago, we would like to promise that the floorboards that are in good condition will be used to rebuild and fix the small house of Jerzy Grotowski which, although in a tragic state, still stands. It is in this way we will give a new life to Matecznik and rebuild the small house outside.

We are counting on your generosity and we underline that every small gesture has an impact. We thank you for your trust and support. 

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Athugasemdir 2

2500 stafi
  • HK
    Hideaki Kobayashi

    Good luck for your restoration!!!

    50 €
  • SW
    Sourcing Within

    Thank you very much dear Przemek and Studio Kokyu for this initiative!!!!
