
The people who will support the project with a considerable amount will benefit from a considerable discount on the purchase of a product, or they will receive the product for free, it depends on the help offered, the product will be made according to the requirements of potential customers

Þessi seljandi hefur engin tilboð eins og er.

Það eru engin önnur tilboð í þessari fjáröflun eins og er.

Objects made of epoxy resin

20000 €

Til 10 stk.


The people who will support the project with a considerable amount will benefit from a considerable discount on the purchase of a product, or they will receive the product for free, it depends on the help offered, the product will be made according to the requirements of potential customers


Hafðu samband

, til að senda Skipuleggjanda skilaboð.


Hefðbundin sendingarkostnaður á kostnað kaupanda

Þessi seljandi hefur engin tilboð eins og er.

Það eru engin önnur tilboð í þessari fjáröflun eins og er.