
An unforgettable weekend in Warmia.You will spend interesting moments exploring the wild backwoods of Warmia with an overnight stay in the forest by the quiet water. Perhaps you will be able to see a badger, elk or wolf live.A treat for you or the person you give the Voucher to.

Viðhengi 1

Kauptu tilboð til að fá aðgang að viðhenginu eða ef þú hefur þegar keypt það.


Skrá .jpg, 0.49 MB

Tilboð og athugasemdir 0

2500 stafi

Engar athugasemdir ennþá, vertu fyrstur til að tjá sig!

Donation & Thanks
Postcard from Kherson
We send postcard by email from our humanitarian mission. One frame from many moments spent at the front line with a description especially for you
5 €
Donation & Thanks
Photo report from the Kherson
See the realities around Kherson.We will send you a short photo report that will show you what the reality looks like there.It's something you won't s...
10 €
Donation & Thanks
Short documentary film from Kherson
See the realities around Kherson.We will send you a short documentary film that will show you what the reality looks like there.It's something you won...
20 €
Donation & Thanks
One euro one chance for a meal
one euro one chance for a meal for a homeless dog or child in a war zone!We will send you one photo from our trip showing the beneficiaries of your he...
1 €

Það eru engin önnur tilboð í þessari fjáröflun eins og er.

Weekend in warmia


1 €

Fjöldi bjóðenda: 0


An unforgettable weekend in Warmia.You will spend interesting moments exploring the wild backwoods of Warmia with an overnight stay in the forest by the quiet water. Perhaps you will be able to see a badger, elk or wolf live.A treat for you or the person you give the Voucher to.

Tilboð og athugasemdir 0

2500 stafi

Engar athugasemdir ennþá, vertu fyrstur til að tjá sig!

Viðhengi 1

Kauptu tilboð til að fá aðgang að viðhenginu eða ef þú hefur þegar keypt það.


Skrá .jpg, 0.49 MB


Hafðu samband

, til að senda Skipuleggjanda skilaboð.


Niðurhal í boði eftir kaup.

Sending tölvupósts.

Hefðbundin sendingarkostnaður á kostnað seljanda

Afhending í eigin persónu

Donation & Thanks
Postcard from Kherson
We send postcard by email from our humanitarian mission. One frame from many moments spent at the front line with a description especially for you
5 €
Donation & Thanks
Photo report from the Kherson
See the realities around Kherson.We will send you a short photo report that will show you what the reality looks like there.It's something you won't s...
10 €
Donation & Thanks
Short documentary film from Kherson
See the realities around Kherson.We will send you a short documentary film that will show you what the reality looks like there.It's something you won...
20 €
Donation & Thanks
One euro one chance for a meal
one euro one chance for a meal for a homeless dog or child in a war zone!We will send you one photo from our trip showing the beneficiaries of your he...
1 €

Það eru engin önnur tilboð í þessari fjáröflun eins og er.