id: 38kx76

to have a house of my own

to have a house of my own

Hvað ætlarðu að safna fyrir í dag?
*Upphæð gefin upp í evrum miðað við vegið meðaltal gjafa í öllum gjaldmiðlum. Fyrir frekari upplýsingar heimsækja


Hello, we are a family from Romania who came to work in Spain with children following us, the most difficult thing is that we can't find rent and the little money we have left is starting to run out. the most difficult thing is to find willing people to help you, here everything is paid for, you can't do anything, I even went to the police and they really don't care, they send you from one side to another, we have 3 more weeks and we'll end up on the street, if there are people with a soul who want to help us, please we are grateful, we are grateful for anything as little as we need jobs, it doesn't matter where

Það er engin lýsing ennþá.

Það er engin lýsing ennþá.



Enginn bjó til peningakassa fyrir þessa fjáröflun ennþá. Peningakassinn þinn gæti verið sá fyrsti!


engin framlög ennþá, vertu fyrstur til að gefa!

Engin framlög ennþá, vertu fyrstur til að gefa!



2500 stafi
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

Engar athugasemdir ennþá, vertu fyrstur til að tjá sig!