id: 2tfv98

For escape from hell

For escape from hell

Hvað ætlarðu að safna fyrir í dag?
*Upphæð gefin upp í evrum miðað við vegið meðaltal gjafa í öllum gjaldmiðlum. Fyrir frekari upplýsingar heimsækja


Hi, my name is Laura, I am a mother of a 2-year-old wonderful girl.


Together we are in social hell.

My illness prevents me from returning to work and changing our situation on my own.


Disorders of spinal nerve roots (G54.3)

Diseases of intervertebral discs (...) with damage to spinal nerve roots (M51.1 + G55.1)


Paresis of the limbs, tingling and tremors, problems with speech, severe pain.

Pharmacotherapy is palliative treatment. Rehabilitation does not bring significant results.

Escape from hell has two dimensions - return to physical fitness and change of residence.

Treatment with epidural injections and subsequent physiotherapy is a chance for me to regain control over my own body and financial independence. This treatment is not reimbursed by the National Health Fund, one injection costs about PLN 2000-3000.

I will obtain the exact cost of treatment after an individual consultation at the clinic.

Social hell is benefits PLN 440 + PLN 500 / month and a social apartment with an area of 17.51m2.

Rent PLN 375 + utilities.

No intercoms, no locks, among aggressive alcoholics and junkies.


I was beaten here several times, my child is afraid of noises in the cage and even knocking on the door. This is not a suitable environment for its development.

We have the opportunity to move to the house from the photos below, if we renovate it.


As you can see, it takes a lot of work to live there, but it's worth it.


There is a garden around the house. We have great neighbors there, cordial and cultured. It is a valuable environment for the child.


The collection amount is indicative, it is possible that the costs of "escape from hell" will be higher. I will be posting information and photos.

The money from this donation will be used in full to enable me to move freely and renovate the house, and in a limited amount also to meet current necessary expenses (child check-ups, food, hygiene products).

At the same time, I will gladly accept a donation in the form of materials for renovation or volunteer work related to cleaning / renovation of the house / garden work. The house is located in Jasło, province. Subcarpathian, POLAND 🇵🇱

Það er engin lýsing ennþá.

Það er engin lýsing ennþá.


engin framlög ennþá, vertu fyrstur til að gefa!

Engin framlög ennþá, vertu fyrstur til að gefa!



2500 stafi
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

Engar athugasemdir ennþá, vertu fyrstur til að tjá sig!