id: v7t7tx

Help me save for Professional Czech Language Studies

Help me save for Professional Czech Language Studies

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*Az euróban kifejezett összeg az összes pénznemben tett adományok súlyozott átlagárfolyama alapján. További részletekért látogasson el a oldalra is.



I am trying to raise some funds to afford school fees for Czech language preparatory courses in Prague. These are accredited courses offered by Charles University in a 2-year program (see links below).

My aim is to work in the pharmacy, to gain experience and in the oncoming years become a Clinical Pharmacist working in a hospital setting to improve patient care. For this I must be a fluent Czech language speaker (level C1).

I am, therefore, asking for your kind assistance to raise the necessary funds that would go towards the tuition fees, accommodation costs, health insurance covers and meals.

The academic year begins in September 2024, and would need to apply by the end of August 2024 for placement.

I would be very grateful for your kind support to reach my goal with the fundrasing and hopefully achieve my dreams to become a pharmacist.

Még nincs leírás.

Még nincs leírás.



még nincs adomány, legyél te az első adományozó!

Még nincs adomány, legyél te az első adományozó!



2500 karakterek
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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