Trying to pay off debts to a loan shark that hunt me for 1 month now, and trying to fix my life.
Trying to pay off debts to a loan shark that hunt me for 1 month now, and trying to fix my life.
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6 months ago I had a accident with my car, i had a job that i got fired and i thought i would find another which can cover my needs, i took money from a loanshark because my money was tight, i thought i could pay off but I didn't make it, i took a loan of 2000 and he said he wanted 2500 back after 2 months i managed to pay of half of the amount and now he ask me for 3000 because of late payment, cant manage to solve it and im pretty much done, the problem is the pressure on my family we cant make it work somehow, anything is appreciated thank you everyone.
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