id: 222c9t

Tyson’s medical expenses

Tyson’s medical expenses

Inaktív adományok - az adománygyűjtés szervezőjének szükséges működése. Ha Ön a Szervező - jelentkezzen be a oldalon, és tegye meg a szükséges lépéseket.
Ennek az adománygyűjtőnek nincs pénzgyűjtő doboza
Adj hozzá egy pénzgyűjtő dobozt az adománygyűjtéshez

Mire fogsz ma adományt gyűjteni?
*Az euróban kifejezett összeg az összes pénznemben tett adományok súlyozott átlagárfolyama alapján. További részletekért látogasson el a oldalra is.


On Tuesday the 6th of February Tyson was struck by a car in the late evening, He was rushed Longford Animal shelter were he is now being taken care of, his injuries are quite extensive.

Tyson is now suffering with a fractured hip which needs to be surgically repaired, he suffered deep cuts to both of his back hind legs which exposed tendons and bone, he is has pneumothorax which is a collection of hair around the outside of the lung, the air accumulation can apply pressure on the lung and possibly make it collapse.

His front right paw is dangling, but has no fractures as of right now the nurses and vets believe it could be nerve damage and are waiting for another consult to see what will be the best thing for him moving forward

I am a very proud person and I truly hate asking people for anything, but I am desperate, as a college student working part time I simply can not afford all of his medical expenses, as of right now i have spent €200 on the night of the accident since it was an emergency, I have been quoted by the nurse that I owe €157 for the night he was admitted, this pays for all the fluids, medication, x rays, stitches and the round the clock care he has Received, for the surgery on his hip it will cost €500 with a €200 deposit needed, this surgery will not take place till next week as we are waiting for him to get stronger and the air around his lungs to subside, now with the potential nerve damaged that may require another surgery or amputation, which more then likely will also cost around €300 - €400, plus the cost of his daily medication and care.

I have set the goat for €1,500 to hopefully cover all of these expenses, medication and future check ups, however if there is any money left over it will be donated to the Longford Health Center as they have been doing an amazing job looking after him and keeping us updated.

I don’t know exactly how I can go about describing Tyson, his story started when my brother found him in a nearby ditch when he was just 8 weeks old, since then he has brought immense joy into our lives and truly has a one of a kind personality, for those of you that are wondering why his name is “Tyson” we believe it’s quite fitting for him, since he came into our lives he likes to boss around our big Tom cat and our dog, and by that I mean he puts them into head locks..and wins.

He likes to scream a lot when he doesn’t get attention and god helps us all if you don’t give him his food on time, He likes running around the house and climbing up the bunk beds stairs only to sprint back down and tackle our other cat, He had also figured out if he takes the snakes latch of he can play with it and send it under the bed, we’re we all have to go looking, as well as keep the snake in while he sits and watches us.

The house is not the same without him, it’s so quiet and boring, all of us are missing him, especially when he grabs our toes and tries to trip us up.

I’m waiting for another call from the vets this evening to confirm the nerve damage and what needs to be done.

Me and the entire family will be eternally grateful if you can help us out.

Thank you

Még nincs leírás.

Még nincs leírás.


Még senki nem hozott létre pénztárcát ehhez az adománygyűjtéshez. Lehet, hogy a te pénzesládád lesz az első!


még nincs adomány, legyél te az első adományozó!

Még nincs adomány, legyél te az első adományozó!

Inaktív adományok - az adománygyűjtő szervezőjének működése szükséges. Ha Ön a Szervező - jelentkezzen be és tegye meg a szükséges lépéseket.


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