id: xhxz7c

Games Development DayDreams Developer

Games Development DayDreams Developer

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*Iznos izražen u eurima na temelju ponderirane prosječne stope donacija u svim valutama. Za daljnje detalje također posjetite


DayDreams Developer is an emerging company specializing in developing games for various platforms. As ambitious founders, we are determined to create unique gaming experiences and realize our vision of innovative gaming.

Our goal is to create addictive and entertaining games that delight players of all ages. With an experienced team of game developers, we are ready to launch our first project and conquer the world of online gaming.

However, to realize our vision, we need seed capital to cover development costs, attract talent and support our marketing efforts. Invest in DayDreams Developer and become part of an emerging company in the gaming industry.

As a thank you to donors who invest 50 euros or more, we are offering an exclusive reward: a free version of our first game! With this generous support, you not only get the opportunity to become a part of the DayDreams developer family, but also the chance to experience one of our addictive games first-hand.

Your investment allows us to realize our vision and create innovative games that delight gamers worldwide. As a token of our gratitude, all donors of 50 euros or more will receive access to a free version of our first game as soon as it is released.

We firmly believe that games can connect people and bring them joy. With your generous support, you will become part of this mission while also getting the opportunity to try out and enjoy our games.

Invest in DayDreams Developer today and get your free version of our first game! Thank you for your support on our journey to transform the gaming world and create unforgettable gaming experiences.

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Ponude/aukcije 1

Kupi, Podrška.

Kupi, Podrška. Pročitaj više

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Zugang zum Spiel
Als Dankeschön für Spender, die 50 Euro oder mehr investieren, bieten wir eine exklusive Belohnung: eine kostenlose Version unseres ersten Spiels! Mit...
50 €

Objave za ponude (sadržaj samo za donatore) 1

Ekskluzivni sadržaj za donatore koji su donirali iznad granice od 50.00€ 1

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