Participaiting in Polish Theater Congress in Chicago
Participaiting in Polish Theater Congress in Chicago
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We dream of going to the Polish Theatre Congress in Chicago!
As the girls called it nicely - 4 tipsters dream of conquering CHICAGO :-) Although not exactly typical girls, as Chicago Theatre invites them to conquer... they just need to get some money for a flight and a roof over their heads for a couple days...
The temptation to taste the apple from the forbidden tree gave rise to the brutal history of humanity along with the expulsion from paradise. The apple given to Aphrodite by Paris marks the beginning of the Trojan War. William Tell is forced by landwogt Gessler to shoot at the apple placed on his son's head, which ultimately leads to an uprising against the tyrant. The apple of contention appears many times in human history, sometimes as a dispute over territory, sometimes as a religious dispute, sometimes as a tempting ideology. Each of his reincarnations leads to wars and fights. After they are finished, it is time to live in freedom. But will what is freedom for some also be freedom for others? Where is the tipping point where freedom is seen as oppression?
The performance "Slaughter in Esperanto" is a story about how history shapes the concept of freedom and what people do with it in times of peace. At its center stands the individual and his suffering caused by the actions of the great people of this world leading to wars, arbitrary shifting of the borders of individual countries, or affecting the existence or non-existence of individual countries. Art is supposed to be "the voice of the people." The show tells true stories that the author collected over several years while working with approximately 60 people from 17 countries located on 4 continents. Therefore, it contains stories of victims from both World War II and contemporary conflicts. Finally, the mechanism governing the relationship between the weaker and the stronger is indicated in everyday relationships in times of peace.
We need to collect money for the trip costs including airline tickets, accommodation, food and travel. It is an expense beyond our means, so dear friends, friends of our friends and all supporters, we turn to you with a warm request to support the girls in achieving their goal. Thank You for your attention and any type of support: interest, sharing, payment…

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Napravite vezu za praćenje da vidite kakav utjecaj vaš udio ima na ovo prikupljanje sredstava. Find out more.