id: vdsnyu

World tour

World tour

Neaktivne donacije - potrebna radnja Organizatora prikupljanja sredstava. Ako ste Organizator - prijavite se i poduzmite potrebnu akciju.

Za što ćeš danas prikupljati sredstva?
*Iznos izražen u eurima na temelju ponderirane prosječne stope donacija u svim valutama. Za daljnje detalje također posjetite


I would like to share with you a dream that has been burning within me for a long time, a dream I hope to realize with your support.

My deepest desire is to leave it all behind, to leave behind the everyday life, responsibilities, and routine, and embark on a journey around the world with my girlfriend. We are young, full of energy and aspirations, and we want to seize this time in our lives to explore and discover the wonders that our planet has to offer.

This journey would not just be a personal adventure but also an opportunity for sharing. I intend to create TikTok videos at every stage of our journey, capturing the cultures, customs, and unique flavors of each country we visit. My goal is to share this extraordinary experience with the world, celebrate the diversity of our planet, and inspire others to pursue their dreams.

I understand that this decision may seem sudden, but it is the result of much reflection. I wish to seek your support in helping us make this journey a reality. Your contribution would enable us to cover the costs of travel, accommodation, and video production.

I sincerely thank you for your consideration and potential support. Whatever happens, I am committed to sharing this adventure with you and acknowledging your generosity throughout our journey.

With gratitude,

Još nema opisa.

Još nema opisa.


još nema donacija, budite prvi koji će donirati!

Još nema donacija, budite prvi koji će donirati!

Neaktivne donacije - potrebna je operacija Organizatora prikupljanja sredstava. Ako ste Organizator - prijavite se i poduzmite potrebne radnje.


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