id: tgp58c

Artistic work

Artistic work

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*Iznos izražen u eurima na temelju ponderirane prosječne stope donacija u svim valutama. Za daljnje detalje također posjetite


  • Apart from the already mentioned physical symptoms, such as pressure in the area of the solar plexus and unexplained weight loss, an intense symptom was anxiety, culminating in panic attacks.

    After one of the attacks at the end of February 2023, a downward spiral began, dragging me into hell, where I remain to this day. In the morning after the incident, I noticed that my whole body started to involuntarily "sway" in rhythm with my pulse. Unfortunately, no doctor took this symptom seriously, explaining that this phenomenon occurs in everyone. However, I had never experienced this before and had not observed it in healthy people. At that moment, the lack of diligence from the doctors felt like a sentence condemning me to hell.

    Up until then, my weight loss had been intense but steady, with a drop of 1-2 kg per month. However, the symptoms significantly worsened after that. In July 2022, when I fell ill, I weighed around 82 kg, and by February 2023, I was down to 70 kg. But within a month and a half to two months, by the time the crisis peaked at the beginning of May 2023, I had dropped to 61 kg. Even my underwear became too big and started sliding off my body. From February, I also began experiencing headaches, not frequent but recurring. The anxiety became more intense. In addition to the "swaying," a new symptom appeared – bright spots of light in my field of vision. They seemed to appear randomly – white, single points of light that would show up in different parts of my field of vision for about 1-2 seconds. At that time, I knew I was in serious trouble.

    Apart from the illness itself, other problems arose. My previous employer, without any valid reason, gave me a notice of termination, which increased my mental tension even more. It was difficult for me to find a new job, and I was deeply troubled by this. I felt as if I had been condemned to ostracism, and after the events in February, to suffering and death. Alone. Without any help.

    In the next section, I will describe the point of culmination – May 2023.

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My name is Daniel, and I am a painter from Pomerania. I have been involved in oil painting for several years. My works mainly belong to the style of abstract expressionism, cubism, and symbolic painting, with oil paints being my primary medium.

Besides oil painting, I also engage in amateur photography and filmmaking. Regarding film - I produced a short film called "Chleb" back in early 2023.

Unfortunately, fate was against me when I fell ill with New Brunswick Syndrome in the summer of 2022. By late spring 2023, my condition resembled encephalitis, but I have now managed to stabilize, overcoming most of the symptoms.

With the improvement in my health, the desire to live returned, and with it, I resumed my artistic activities, which had been minimized due to symptoms of neurological and psychosomatic origin.

Due to the costs associated with the entire diagnosis process (numerous visits to various specialists), treatment (unfortunately by trial and error) and troubles with it, I am currently unable to finance my artistic activities on my own. Therefore, if my story and works have convinced you, I invite you to support my fundraiser!

IG: romanmadom

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