id: n9f9za

Bathroom for a family in need

Bathroom for a family in need

Za što ćeš danas prikupljati sredstva?
*Iznos izražen u eurima na temelju ponderirane prosječne stope donacija u svim valutama. Za daljnje detalje također posjetite


Hello Big Hearts!

At that moment, my friends from the UK, fleeing the war, settled in Wrocław, parents with two children aged 2 and 5.

They are in a difficult financial situation, at this point both of them are unemployed, all the more so they fell to the deception of our citizen, who took everything they could bring with them while fleeing, that is, money, rings, necklaces, literally everything that had some value. The purpose of the fundraiser is to equip a bathroom and toilet in their apartment, I will do the renovation myself, but after

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