id: k45hk2

Veterinary Treatment for Danusia

Veterinary Treatment for Danusia

Za što ćeš danas prikupljati sredstva?
*Iznos izražen u eurima na temelju ponderirane prosječne stope donacija u svim valutama. Za daljnje detalje također posjetite


Hello everyone!

My name is Sara and here is my best friend, Danusia. I am a disabled woman from Poland, unemployed and out of money, actively searching for a job.

But let's talk about Danusia.

She is in great need of dental surgery, as she has at least one tooth to be either fixed or removed. What very little I had I put into blood work to see if she's elligible for the surgery. Turned out she's got thyroid issues that need to be urgently taken care of and as such, all that I had left I put into paying for Apelka.

Her dental surgery is set for 4th of June, it cannot wait any longer because it endangers her health. I don't have the money for the procedure. Truth be said, I don't even have money for food. All the money I get a month is approx 50 eur from the state.

Please, consider helping me help Danusia

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Još nema opisa.


Nitko još nije napravio kasicu za ovo prikupljanje sredstava. Vaša kasica može biti prva!

Donacije 1

Vladimir Olariu
2 €

Komentari 1

2500 likovi