id: g9eu37

Car repair + commuting to the city

Car repair + commuting to the city

Za što ćeš danas prikupljati sredstva?
*Iznos izražen u eurima na temelju ponderirane prosječne stope donacija u svim valutama. Za daljnje detalje također posjetite


Hi, my name is Kacper, but around the iternet im known as Vergo. I am a university student as well as a part time video editor. I am living in a remote area, 25km from the city, where I can only commute by a car. There are no buses or trains, which leaves me with the only option of having a vehicle myself.

On Friday 5.04.2024 a speeding stranger crashed into my car, devastating the left front wheel as well as parts of the cars body and portion of the suspension. The person was driving around 80km/h on a 30km/h restriction road, but the police filed ME for the incident. I cannot be granted insurance money in this case, as the insurance company considers these fixes as not a "total loss". That means the only way for me to be able to transport myself between my living space and the city is to fix the car.

In my situation I could afford simpler fixes, however this reached my limit as I'm not a fully employed person yet. I cannot count on financial help from elders right now, that is why I have created a fundraiser. The total fundraiser amount covers the fixing part as well as towing of my vehicle to the mechanic.

I do not posses a car out of hedonism, I literally cannot even get groceries, because of how remote my place is. Selling the car in this state would not only amount to insufficient funds for a different vehicle, but also to a huge time stall, as the process of changing a car in Poland is super long, and I cannot afford being absent for so long on my studies. Fixing my current car is the only possible option.

I would be hugely thankful for any support shown towards my case, whether that be donations or just sharing the fundraiser around.

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Nitko još nije napravio kasicu za ovo prikupljanje sredstava. Vaša kasica može biti prva!

Donacije 6

20 €
10 €
Korisnik neregistriran
5 €
20 €
Rd E
35 €
Skriveni podaci
10 €


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