id: a2dbnj

Financial problems

Financial problems

Neaktivne donacije - potrebna radnja Organizatora prikupljanja sredstava. Ako ste Organizator - prijavite se i poduzmite potrebnu akciju.
Aktivne kasice na prikupljanju sredstava: 1
Dodajte kasicu prikupljanju sredstava

Za što ćeš danas prikupljati sredstva?
*Iznos izražen u eurima na temelju ponderirane prosječne stope donacija u svim valutama. Za daljnje detalje također posjetite


Hello, my name is abdoul and I’m in a bit of a shitty situation. I’m 18 and have been moved away from my abusive family for about a year and a half now, and it’s been the best thing that’s ever happened. I grew up in a split household with 8 kids (I’m the oldest), and my parents are abusive p**dophiles, and they tried to keep me living with them forever- I finally got out in January 2021, and moved in with some roommates a few hours away from my hometown. I’ve been working almost full-time ever since, trying to keep this crappy apartment roof over my head so I don’t have to go back home, because I’m fucking terrified my mom will kill me if I go back into that town. She’s threatened to before, and she’s not afraid of hurting her kids. I can’t lose this apartment, I can’t go back to living with them. I finally got free, but now rent and bills are threatening to send me right back. I know it sounds dramatic, but I have no other option at this point, and I’m willing to do anything for cash at this point so I don’t have to move back to them again. My rent is 1750 a month and with my roommates and I’s combined incomes, we barely clear 2000 a month. Literally anything helps, hell, even 50 bucks could fill the gas tank of our car for a few days so I don’t have to walk to work in this damn heat. My work is cutting my hours, and I only got 23 hours last week and 23 this week no matter how hard I begged my manager to give me more. I had to call out once last week because I just didn’t have any way to get to work, because I was out of gas and completely out of money. I can’t make rent this month by a long shot, because I’m only making minimum wage in my state, even though I’m trying to get promoted to make more. Help me, so I don’t fall completely behind. I have no family to help me, they want me to fail so I can come back home to them. I was going to college but I couldn’t afford the tuition to keep going, so I had to drop out, and now even living is getting to be too expensive. My roommates and I share one car to get everywhere, and the damn thing is on it’s last legs. If we miss rent, my roommate’s have told me that they’re going to break our lease early and move back in with their parents, which will completely screw me over. I don’t know anyone in this city yet because all I do is work, so if they choose to leave, I have no choice but to beg my family to take me back, or be homeless again. And I won’t survive if I’m homeless. I have almost nothing to my name, I’ve already sold everything over the years to keep myself afloat. Thank you for taking the time to read this

I understand that this is a challenging time for many, and I am grateful for your consideration of my request. Your kindness and generosity would mean the world to us and would make a profound difference in our lives.

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još nema donacija, budite prvi koji će donirati!

Još nema donacija, budite prvi koji će donirati!

Neaktivne donacije - potrebna je operacija Organizatora prikupljanja sredstava. Ako ste Organizator - prijavite se i poduzmite potrebne radnje.


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