id: 94hh2n

DiseaseMap stage 1 (creation of the system)

DiseaseMap stage 1 (creation of the system)

Za što ćeš danas prikupljati sredstva?
*Iznos izražen u eurima na temelju ponderirane prosječne stope donacija u svim valutama. Za daljnje detalje također posjetite


  • Started work on the messaging system and the stocks system


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Dodajte ažuriranja i informirajte pristaše o napretku kampanje.

Dodajte ažuriranja i informirajte pristaše o napretku kampanje.
To će povećati vjerodostojnost vašeg prikupljanja sredstava i angažmana donatora.


What is DiseaseMap ?

DiseaseMap is a decentralized pandemic and infectious disease management system. Its aim is to connect hospitals, pharmacies, pharmaceutical companies, researchers and governments across the world. The back-end of the software runs on an Ethereum blockchain, making it very unlikely to fail.

What does DiseaseMap do ?

  1. Connects researchers with pharmaceutical companies.
  2. Tracks patients across the world (without any personal data) from hospitals, making it easier to discover a pandemic before it even starts.
  3. Keeps doctors and researchers up to date in real time.
  4. Keeps track of the medicine stocks and orders, that way hospitals and pharmacies will be prepared in time.
  5. Keeps the health officials up to date on infectious diseases geographically.
  6. Keeps track of hospital beds available.
  7. Predicts the spread of infectious diseases.
  8. Transparently shows infectious disease data in real time to the public.

What are the stages of the project ?

  1. Creation of the kernel and basic user interface.
  2. Development using doctors' and researchers' feedback.
  3. Large scale software and hardware deployment.
  4. Release under an Open Source license to accelerate the development of the system.

What are the 10.000 Euros for ?

  1. To extend the team and support it in the next 3 months.
  2. To buy the necessary equipment and pay the bills.
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